Centre for Quality Assurance (CQA)
Centre for Quality Assurance (CQA) was formed in 2013 under the supervision of the first Director, Professor Datin Dr. Napsiah Ismail to oversee, manage, facilitate, monitor and report on the development of academic programmes and enhance the roles of supporting departments towards ensuring high quality delivery of education in UCTS, which now known as UTS. She was succeeded by Professor Dr. Salfarina Abdul Gapor in 2018. In 2019, Assoc. Professor Dr. Rabuan took over the directorship of CQA and continued with the tradition. Centre for Quality Assurance is committed to ensure continuous quality improvement and high quality of teaching and learning through its vision, mission and principle.
UTS academic programmes have been developed in close collaboration with the industries and based on industrial needs. Initially, UTS started with four schools and offered only six academic programmes, two at foundation levels and four at undergraduate levels. These are Foundations in Art and Foundation in Science under the School of Foundation Studies. The School of Business and Management offered Bachelor of Business Administration and Bachelor of Accountancy, while the School of Engineering and Technology offered Bachelor of Engineering Technology in Electrical and Electronic and Civil Engineering. The School of Built Environment initially only offered Bachelor of Quantity Surveying.
In 2014, more Bachelor programmes were offered including Architecture, Network Computing, Software Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. In 2015, Electrical Engineering and Food Technology were offered.
The School of Postgraduate Studies was formed in 2016, marking a huge milestone for UTS, whereby five postgraduate programmes were introduced, two at PhD level by research and two at Master level by research, of which both are under Business Management and Engineering. Master of Business Administration was offered through coursework in 2016. In 2018, two more Master by coursework were offered – Master of Project Management and Master of Architecture. In 2019, two more Research programmes were offered – Master of Science in Applied Sciences and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Applied Sciences.
In 2020, School of Computing and Creative Media introduced two programmes at postgraduate level which are Master and PhD in Computing as well as two programmes at undergraduate level – Bachelor of Arts in Industrial Design and Bachelor of Arts in Creative Media. On the quarter fourth of year 2021, School of Built Environment introduced Bachelor of Arts in Interior Design. Both schools expected to offer another six programmes at Degree, Master and PhD level in year 2023.

Welcome to UTS CQA website! Greetings from UTS, Sibu, Sarawak. We are proud that we have achieved our goal to be a full-fledged university in 2021. With the new status we continue to work hard in order to be the University of Choice by students, academics, researchers and industry in Sarawak and the region.
In the past years (in 2019) we have achieved our goal on Excellent University Status (Tier 4) in SETARA Rating which encouraged us to strive further to achieve our mission of providing world-class educational programs and learning environment by;
§ Providing conducive working and learning environment for the students and staff
§ Promoting high student engagements
§ Supporting student development and alumni
§ Ensuring quality teaching and learning
Thus, we do your utmost to support the schools and academic staff to transform teaching and learning through creativity and innovation, making learning a “fun” and fruitful activities for both academic staff and students. One main important function of CQA is to ensure high quality of teaching and learning, which is in line with the 21st Century new pedagogical approach and emphasising the use of the latest state of the arts technology, in teaching and learning. To achieve this, we have ensured that learning space and environment have good ambience and relevant to current needs in teaching and learning. CQA also conducts internal audits to ensure programmes are ready for external accreditation process, and contents as well for the purpose of continuous quality improvement.
Although CQA is only manned with two personnel, we are working hard to provide administrative, guidance and support for quality assurance to the schools and other supporting departments. CQA in close collaboration with the Human Capital Department, also provides pedagogy courses for new academic staff to ensure that common aspirations are shared by all with regards to cultivating “excellent practice” in teaching and learning. In the coming future, CQA will implement and monitor ISO 9001 certification for UTS. Facing new tasks and challenges are positive signs of expansion, growth and improvement. The key to a successful institution is the willingness to change and adapt, and most of all putting quality as the priority. The most important goal of CQA is to instil institutional and public confidence in UTS academic standards and I am extremely honoured to be part of the continuous efforts to elevate UTS at the highest level in teaching and learning.
“Striving towards Education at its Best!”
AP Dr. Rabuan Bin Mantine
Director, Centre for Quality Assurance
Currently UCTS offers 29 programmes under six schools and seven new programmes are still pending at Malaysian Qualification Agemcy (MQA), Professional Bodies or MOHE’s License approval. List of programmes offered under six schools are as follows:
Schools | Programmes |
School of Foundation Studies | Foundation in Sciences Foundation in Arts |
School of Business and Management | Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) Bachelor of Accountancy (Hons) Bachelor of Business (Hons) in Marketing Bachelor of Technology Management (Hons) |
School of Built Environment | Bachelor of Quantity Surveying (Hons) Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Architecture Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Interior Design |
School of Computing and Creative Media | Bachelor of Computer Science (Hons) Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Industrial Design Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Creative Digital Media |
School of Engineering and Technology | Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Hons) Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Hons) Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (Hons) Bachelor of Food Technology (Hons) Bachelor of Engineering Technology in Electrical and Electronic (Hons) |
School of Postgraduate Studies | Master of Engineering (Research Mode) Master of Science in Business Management (Research Mode) Master of Business Administration (MBA) Master of Project Management Master of Architecture Master of Science in Applied Sciences (Research Mode) Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Engineering Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Business Management Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Applied Science |
Future Programmes | Bachelor of Science in Construction and Property Management Bachelor of Mobile Game Development (Hons) Master of Construction Management and Economics Master of Science in Architecture Master of Science in Construction Management Doctor of Philosophy in Architecture Doctor of Philosophy in Construction Management |
Currently 19 programmes have been fully accredited, 6 programme is still awaiting for full accreditation, and 4 programmes are still under provisional accreditation.
In addition, UTS is also currently collaborating with four universities in the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Australia to offer Articulation Degree Programme.
Teaching Assessment
Teaching Assessment is conducted at every end of each semester in order to get feedbacks from the students on the effectiveness of teaching and learning for the purpose of:
- Monitoring the academic staff based on the set criteria
- Improving the quality of courses and teaching skills of academic staff
- Grooming and sustaining the academic staff to be capable and competent
- Providing avenue for students’ feedbacks and identify necessary actions taken based on empirical data
Curriculum Review
Curriculum Review is carried out at every end of each semester and conducted within ten days after the final results have been approved by the Senate. It is done based on reviews of qualitative and quantitative data. The qualitative data include Course Coordinator’s reflections of the course’s content and flow, comments from the External Examiner(s), comments from the Industrial Advisory Panel (IAP), comments during Student Dialogue or other qualitative data relevant or related to the course. Quantitative data includes Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) attainment and student workloads in relation to the Student Learning Time (SLT). Curriculum Review Meetings are chaired by the Head of Programme and a report will suggest any necessary amendments of individual course’s learning outcomes, syllabus, and assessment strategy as well as teaching methodology.
Exit Survey
Exit Survey is conducted after the graduation of every cohort of a programme, depending on the duration of the programme, commonly after 3 or 4 years. The respondents for this survey are the graduates. The purpose of the Exit Survey is to identify students’ views of the programme and their assessments and ratings of the overall achievement of the Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs). Findings from the survey will be analysed and Head of Programmes (HOPs) are responsible to take necessary actions based on the findings.
- Malaysian Qualifications Agency: www.mqa.gov.my/
- Ministry of Education: https://www.moe.gov.my
- Malaysia Board of Technologists: https://www.mbot.org.my/
- Engineering Accreditation Council Malaysia: http://www.eac.org.my/web/index.html
- Board of Architects Malaysia: http://www.lam.gov.my/
- Board of Quantity Surveyors Malaysia: https://www.bqsm.gov.my/
- Student Learning Time (SLT) calculation: https://uctscqa.azurewebsites.net/

Dr. Sim Siew Ling
Position: Director
Extension: 360
Email: simsiewling
Qualifications: Doctor of Philosophy in Business Management (UTS), Master of Business Administration (Venture Capital Management), (UTM), Bachelor of Business Administration (Finance) (UPM)

Nurul Afiqah Binti Ibrahim
Position: Executive
Extension: 370
Email: nurul.afiqah
Qualifications: Corporate Master of Business Administration (UNIMAS), Bachelor in International Marketing (UMS)
Centre for Continuing Education and Professional Development (CEPD)

About CePD
1. The CePD/UCSSB was established on 12th April 2016 and had been operating business at Block 8, 1st Floor, No.1, Jalan Universiti, 96000 Sibu Sarawak and our Electrical Installation Workshop at Unicity (near Li Hua Hotel).
2. UCSSB registered with Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF) (No Siri: 1183312A) as a training provider.
3. UTS is a Corporate Affiliate Member of The Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport (Membership Number: OM0149).
4. CePD/UTS is an Accredited Training and Examination Center for Wireman G1, G2, and Chargeman L1 (issued by The Ministry of Public Utilities Sarawak).
CePD in its capacity
- To provide professional training programs / short-courses in collaboration with internal expertise and external training providers
- To organise competency programs and professional courses / certifications for graduates to be more competent and marketable
If you have further inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us as below:
Assoc. Prof. Dr.Ramli bin Haji.Rashidi, KMN, PBS
Director, Centre for Continuing Education and Professional Development (CEPD)
Tel (DL): 084-367537
Fax: 084-367301
Email: ramli.rashidi
List of Professional & Short Courses Training 2023
Download List of Professional & Short Courses Training 2023.
For further information, please do not hesitate to contact:
1. EDWIN BIN MISING UDUP (084-367538) / edwin@uts.edu.my
2. KHAIRUNNISA BT MOHAMAD YUNUS (084-367539) / khairunnisa.yunus@uts.edu.my
CBIM-001 Fundamental of Building Information Management & Modelling (BIM)

Download Fundamental BIM form
For further information, please do not hesitate to contact:
1. EDWIN BIN MISING UDUP (084-367538) / edwin@uts.edu.my
2. KHAIRUNNISA BT MOHAMAD YUNUS (084-367539) / khairunnisa.yunus@uts.edu.my
ACCA on the Accelerate Programme

About ACCA course
Download ACCA Registration Form
Electrical Chargeman / Wireman Grade 2 / Grade 1 / L1

- Click to view the list of short courses offered.
- Download Syllabus for Wireman G1 & G2
- Download G1 Registration Form
- Download G2 Registration Form
Logistic Courses

Professional Certificate in Safety and Health

Date: 4th December 2021
Venue: University of Technology Sarawak (UTS)
Delegates from
- UTS : Prof Datuk Dr. Khairuddin Ab Hamid (Vice-Chancellor, UTS)
- DHS : representative for DHS, Assoc Prof Ts Dr Ramli bin Haji Rashidi, (Director, CEPD)
- Special guest – Datuk Amar Michael Manyin Anak Jawong (Former Minister of Education, Science and Technological Reseach Sarawak)
- Collaboration to offer the Certificate of Completion in Hospitality Operations (CCHO)
- Students who has completed the CCHO programme can pursue their diploma studies in Hospitality and Tourism Management with TMC Academy Singapore

Tarikh: 4 Disember 2021
Tempat: Universiti Teknologi Sarawak (UTS)
Delegasi dari
- UTS : Prof Datuk Dr. Khairuddin Ab Hamid (Vice-Chancellor, UTS)
- JPK : Wakil bagi pihak JPK, Assoc Prof Ts Dr Ramli bin Haji Rashidi, (Director, CEPD)
- Tetamu kehormat – Datuk Amar Michael Manyin Anak Jawong (Former Minister of Education, Science and Technological Reseach Sarawak)
Tujuan Memorandum Persefahaman
- Kerjasama pembangunan program latihan kemahiran dan penyelidikan strategic bagi meningkatkan kualiti sumber manusia dalam bidang TVET dan melahirkan tenaga kerja mahir bertaraf dunia

Date: 4th December 2021
Venue: University of Technology Sarawak (UTS)
Delegates from
- UTS : Prof Datuk Dr. Khairuddin Ab Hamid (Vice-Chancellor, UTS)
- BSI : representative for BSI, Assoc Prof Ts Dr Ramli bin Haji Rashidi, (Director, CEPD)
- Special guest – Datuk Amar Michael Manyin Anak Jawong (Former Minister of Education, Science and Technological Reseach Sarawak)
Objective of the MoU
- To explore common and fundamental objectives and benefits thereto in the field of Building Information Modelling, also known as Building Information Management (BIM) and ISO Standards

Assoc Prof Ts. Dr. Ramli b Haji Rashidi, KMN, PBS
Position: Director & Assoc. Prof.
Extension: 537
Email: ramli.rashidi
Qualifications: PhD TEVT (Bremen/UTHM), MSc HRD (UPM), B.Eng E&E (Brighton)

Mr. Kee Keh Kim
Position: Deputy Director & Senior Lecturer
Extension: 519
Email: kkkee
Qualifications: C. Eng (UK), MSc in Electronics (Communication System), Diploma in Technology (Electronic Engineering) TARC

Mr. Edwin bin Mising Udup
Position: Senior Executive
Extension: 538
Email: edwin
Qualifications: Bachelor in Leadership, Arts (Hons)

Mdm. Khairunnisa binti Mohamad Yunus
Position: Administrative Officer
Extension: 539
Email: khairunnisa.yunus
Qualifications: Bachelor of Applied Arts (Hons) Art Management

Mr. Martino Unjan anak Mohamaddin
Position: Administrative Officer
Extension: 539
Email: martino
Qualifications: Bachelor of Communication (Hons)